Short Courses

Prepare yourself for an exceptional array of short courses at SciX 2024! We are excited to announce that our short courses are undergoing a transformation and will soon feature refreshed, cutting-edge content designed to enrich your conference experience. Click here to view all offered short courses for SciX 2024!

Whether you intend to supplement your conference registration or exclusively partake in our short courses, anticipate an opportunity to enhance your expertise and capabilities. Register here for short courses. The short course rate will increase on September 9 to the regular rate. Take advantage of early bird rates now!

In the interim, should you have any inquiries or wish to propose a short course for the 2024 SciX conference, please feel free to contact our Short Courses Chair, Ellen Miseo.


Please click here to view registration fees and register. You can register for SciX and add on short courses, or register only for short courses. 

The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) and the SciX Conference organizers are dedicated to providing a professional, pleasant and harassment-free conference experience for everyone. View the full Code of Conduct. 

©2020 FACSS Analytical Science and Innovation | (856) 224-4266  
is  an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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